Unveiling the Majestic United States Capitol

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  • Iconic Building: The United States Capitol is a historic and iconic building located in Washington, D.C.
  • Seat of Government: It serves as the home of the United States Congress and the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government.
  • Architectural Marvel: Designed in neoclassical style, the Capitol’s architecture features a distinctive dome and impressive columns.
  • Symbol of Democracy: The Capitol is a symbol of American democracy and governance, often depicted in media and literature.
  • Historic Events: The building has witnessed numerous historic events, including presidential inaugurations and important legislative debates.
  • Visitor Center: The Capitol Visitor Center offers tours for the public, providing insights into the history and workings of the U.S. government.
  • Art and Statues: The Capitol houses a vast collection of art, including statues and paintings that depict key moments in U.S. history.
  • Dome Restoration: The Capitol dome underwent a major restoration project to preserve its historic features and structural integrity.
  • National Landmark: Designated as a National Historic Landmark, the United States Capitol continues to inspire and educate visitors from around the world.

United States Capitol is determined as a deluxe gathering destination of the country’s legislature and a desirable place for the tourists. Holding some of the grand pieces of American art, this elegant monument acts as a symbolization of the American government. The monument houses many historical expansions along with resplendent architectural features that furnish one of a kind visuals for the travelers.

United States Capitol

United States Capitol: Exhibition Hall

Situated at the lower base of the monument’s Capitol Visitor Center, the Exhibition Hall is a home to some delighting exhibitions that promise the travelers of some pleasing visiting experiences. One of such phenomenal exhibits is the ‘E Pluribus Unum – Out of Many One’ presentation that acts as a crucial aspect for alluring the travelers to this awe-inspiring destination. This presentation narrates about the inspiring history of the monument and the United States Congress. The exhibit tries to tell the visitors about the functionality of the Congress and give a glimpse into the workings of the honorable Senators and Representatives.

Here, the information is rendered through the depiction computer interactive features, underived artifacts and documentations, tangible models, and detailed videos. Welcomed as a newborn showing of the monument, ‘Instruments of Change’ is another dramatic exhibit that demonstrates the effect of operational features of the National Congress on the nation’s administration and lives of the common citizens. Narrating the incident of the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger, the New Hampshire’s Concord Monitor newspaper is saliently displayed at this exhibition. Apart from the active and lost US Navy vessels of 1812, the exhibit also showcases the House declaration of war against Great Britain. Likewise, there are other spectacular exhibitions that add great elegance to the Exhibition Hall.

United States Capitol: Art

Starting from 1856, the monument has an age-long history of art of the United States of America. The first level of the Senate region of the monument is adorned with exquisite murals prepared by Constantino Brumidi, a famous Italian Greek American worker of historical art. These Brumidi Corridors murals indicate some of the epoch-making individuals and moments of the American history. Legendary historical events like the Cession of Louisiana are also demonstrated among the master works of the monument. The top portion of the monument’s dome is decorated with eye-pleasing painting of ‘The Apotheosis of Washington’, which displays the fresco method of mural painting. Other glorious artworks can be captured within the rotunda feature of the monument.

United States Capitol Visitor Center

United States Capitol: Exterior

The exterior region of the Capitol makes available some of the elegant natural features to add significance to the visit of the travelers. The flagpoles and the mounted national flags demonstrating their absolute elegances come out as great scenes for the visitors to watch. Situated at the South and North wings of the monument, the two flagpoles are active only when the below chamber is in conference. The flags here are generally operated by the Senate Doorkeepers and House pages. The foundation of the monument incorporates two other flagpoles both on the eastern and western side that are responsible for holding the flag since World War I.

The Capitol grounds are other extraordinary features to watch in the exterior region of the monument. The grounds demonstrate the unequaled intelligence of Frederick Law Olmsted, a notable American landscape architect. Similarly, the exterior expansion of the monument displays other striking features, making the visit a memorable one.

United States Capitol: Visitor Center

Serving as a phenomenal addition of the building complex of the monument, the United States Capitol Visitor Center (CVC) comes out as a major assembling place for world wide tourists. Identified as an outstanding expansion area dedicated for the US Congress, the center serves around 4,000 visitors at one time. The gross budget of this recherche construction was $621 million. The center incorporates a space of around 580,000 square feet dispersed in three floors. The construction holds fantastic multiple new conference and meeting areas. It is mostly regarded as an illustrious destination that renders an educational, well secured, and handicap-accessible place for the travelers in the premises of this historical monument.

United States Capitol Events

United States Capitol: Events

Along with the regularized presidential inaugurations celebrated after a span of four years, the monument has been a host for many other phenomenal historical events. It is usually bejeweled with a luxurious staircase and a glorious platform during the inauguration ceremonies that form great visuals for the event’s participants. The National Memorial Day Concert and Independence Day are some of the numerous elating events hosted at this remarkably built national monument. The common people around the country get a chance to pay respect to many crucial American personalities that include erstwhile officials, senators, presidents, etc.

United States Capitol: Hotels

While the travelers marvel at the graceful features and expansions of this brilliantly designed monument, the nearby hotel destinations facilitate some of the handsomely presented amenities holding great reputation in the service industry. The services provided, on the other hand, also assure the guests of an unforgettable visit at the city’s reputed hotel expansions.

Capitol Hill Hotel Washington D.C.

Defined as an authentic hotel treasure of the neighborhood, the Capitol Hill Hotel Washington D.C. is identified as an unparalleled extended stay hotel of Washington D.C. This all-suite hotel destination of the region has lately renovated its features and included some additive event and gathering areas to improve the visit of the guests. The hotel also provides some breathtaking packages for the monument’s visitors during presidential inaugurations and other national events. The visitors can execute their corporate meetings and other events in grand style through the on-site well appointed event spaces made available by the hotel.

The Washington Court Hotel

Situated in the famed Capitol Hill region, The Washington Court Hotel acts as a convenient location for the visitors to enjoy their tour at the exhilarating Washington monument. Scoping from heroic suites to comfy hotel rooms, the hotel makes available some of the very best accommodation facilities for the guests. Acting as a preferred destination to savor delectable dinner, lunch, and breakfast meals, the hotel’s Bistro 525 restaurant is a fabulous extension of the hotel. The hotel also houses other exciting extensions that make the visit a fabulous one.

Make your visit to the nation’s exquisite historical destination, United States Capitol and receive some of the heart pleasing sights of elegant architectural beauty created by celebrated artists.

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